Click to Print Programme

Please be aware that these arrangements sometimes have to be changed. 
So keep checking the programme online.


 Tue 9 July
2pm - 4pm
Afternoon Workshop 
£4  with own  materials
Please pre-book at a meeting
Wed 17 July
2pm - 4pm
Adventurous Artists Sketching
 Date to be confirmed Venue emailed before the day by Helen
 Wed 24 July
7.30pm - 9.30pm
    'Lindsey-Style' Workshop  
with own  materials 
 (No art for  E.T.M.E. cafe needed this month.) 
Tuesday 6 Aug
Members' Exhibition Hand-in
Eling Tide Mill Experience Centre


Wed 7 Aug -  Sun 11 Aug  
Daily 10.30am - 4.30pm
TAS Art Exhibition & Sale  Eling Tide Mill Experience Centre
Members' Preview 
 Tue 13 Aug
2pm - 4pm
Afternoon Workshop 
£4  with own  materials
Please pre-book 
Wed 21 Aug
2pm - 4pm
Adventurous Artists Sketching 
Date to be confirmed 
Venue emailed before the day by Helen
 Wed 28 Aug
7.30pm - 9.30pm 
Betty Rackham
Botanical Art Demonstration
& Selection of artwork for Eling Tide Mill Experience Cafe
Sat 7 Sep 
10pm - 3pm
Saturday Members' Workshop with Betty Rackham (£10 Pre-booked) 
The View From My Window with own materials incl. primary colours 
 Tue 10 Sep
2pm - 4pm
Afternoon Workshop 
£4  with own  materials
Please pre-book 
Wed 18 Sep
2pm - 4pm
Adventurous Artists Sketching
Date to be confirmed Venue emailed before the day by Helen 
 Wed 25 Sep
7.30pm - 9.30pm
Helen Talbot Demonstration Topic to be confirmed 
Tue 8 Oct 
2pm - 4pm
Afternoon Workshop 
£4  with own  materials
Please pre-book 
Wed 16 Oct 
2pm - 4pm
Adventurous Artists Sketching
Date to be confirmed Venue emailed before the day by Helen
Wed 23 Oct
7.30pm - 9.30pm
   'Helen Talbot -Style' Workshop  
with own  materials & Selection of artwork for Eling Tide Mill Experience Cafe

SKETCHING VENUES  Helen sends details near the time via email and TAS Members' Facebook page.   Contact her at: 

Members' artworks on sale in the ELING TIDE MILL EXPERIENCE CAFE Open Wednesday - Sunday  10.30 - 5.00